Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Friday, September 18, 2009
Ryan Shupe & The Rubberband

Last night I decided to visit one of my more local cafes on Sunnyville Lane. I was sipping my little mug of hot chocolate when I saw that Ryan Shupe and his band started to set up on stage. I almost jumped out of my seat and screamed at them! That man is so fine. All bald men are awesome, but Ryan Shupe is the epitome of awesome hairless-ness.
I have a buddy that is a fan of them and he showed me this cool T-shirt he has. At first I didn’t notice what was written on the back, but then he pointed out to me that he had the entire band’s signature on it! I was so close to being jealous… What a lucky son of a gun.
I usually don’t like country music, but these guys rock! (No pun intended.) And their lyrics aren’t the sappy stuff that you hear from most of the stars. It’s short, sweet and to the point, emphasis on the SWEET.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Owl City

For some reason owls are always flocking to Blue, so we assumed (we as in the FBOBC) that, when rumors went around of a band, Owl City, coming to my Little Cafe, it was just a joke. Little did we know who they really were.
Who would ever believe that Owl City, the incredible music sensation, would decide to show up in Dark Blue, and in my Little Cafe?! I first heard these guys play last week when my little sister (spawn of evil!) introduced me with a pleasant surprise to their song, "Fireflies." The song was actually very inspirational to me. Besides the lyrics, the music is amazing. At first I thought it was just the stupid bubblegum pop she always listens to, then I realized that it's just cool, I can't even really come up with a word for it. Listen and be amazed!
Please, if you have nothing better to do, search Owl City. If you go to www.imeem.com they have a very wide range of music. If you're registered, please visit my profile page, Kam Kos. Their music really is incredible, and it's a big change from my usual preference of rock.